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Rainbow Fruit Bowl

Updated: Jan 12, 2023


Since I’ve learned that fruits are excellent care for the skin I am trying to consume a lot of fruits. Especially the ones that have vitamin C. It is not easy to eat fruit for me. I mean I do not have that habit. When I was a child my grandmother made me eat fruits every night. She was picking pomegranates, peeling tangerines, and cutting oranges. They were lovely days truly. So, to get the same habit I’ve started preparing fruit bowls for myself. I put any kind of fruit in it and usually I garnish it with chia seeds and chopped almonds. Okay, now let’s go to my fruit bowl recipe!

for the base:

-half pomegranate

-five strawberries

-one frozen banana

-strained yogurt

-two dates

for the above:

*its amount is up to you

-strawberry slices

-blueberry slices

-banana slices

-kiwi slices

-chia seeds

-pomegranate seeds

You will take all of the base materials together and mix them with a blender. After that put the base in the freezer for 15 minutes. Take it back and beautify it with fruit slices and chia seeds.

Bon appetit!

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